97 research outputs found

    Prevention of dental anomalies and dental caries in children with diabetes

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    Among diseases of the endocrine system in children, diabetes mellitus is the most significant, severe and requiring special attention pathology, diabetes can occur at any age, occurs in infants, preschool children and adolescents. Children's diabetes, as well as in adults, has a chronic, lifelong course and often causes severe complications, so it is very important to detect the disease in a timely manner and take the necessary measures for its adequate treatment . Diabetes mellitus is a global problem of medical science and health care worldwide. Diabetes causes significant damage to the health of people of almost all Nations and all ages . Worldwide, there is an increase in the prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes among children. In this regard, dentists who provide dental care for children need knowledge and skills about the impact of diabetes on dental health, the relationship and mutual influence of dental pathology and diabetes in children

    Medical and social assessment and quality of life of children suffering from iron deficiency anemia

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    About 2 billion people worldwide suffer from anemia. Moreover, the symptom is most often diagnosed in children. According to WHO, anemia is present to some extent in 47.4% of preschool children and 25.4% of school-age children. Anemia has the most significant impact on oral health. Therefore, pediatric dentists should be aware of the course of oral diseases in children with anemia. Nowadays, it is no secret that modern scientific work done in the field of dentistry tends to determine the relationship between dental health and various concomitant diseases of the whole body. Anemia, which is common in childrenе, can be the most common chronic disease among adults, and thus can lead to various complications


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    The article considers different approaches to the definition of the region’s competitiveness, as well as rating of regions competitiveness


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    The article considers different approaches to the definition of the region’s competitiveness, as well as rating of regions competitiveness

    Festival as a form of socio-cultural design

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    Рассматриваются факторы социального проектирования, раскрываются их особенности и способы реализации. В качестве примера типового социокультурного проектирования рассматривается такая форма, как фестиваль, который имеет ряд этапов и четких правил проведенияThe article deals with factors of social design, reveals their features and ways of implementation. As an example of a typical socio-cultural design, a form is considered as a festival that has a number of stages and clear rules for conductin

    Model main dental disease prevention in small town Lyantor

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    Earlier epidemiological studies have shown a high prevalence and intensity of major dental diseases. The implementation of prevention programs for most major cities before reaching the small towns. An in-depth study on the risk factors and the development of major dental diseases among the population living in small towns were not conducted.Ранее проведенные эпидемиологические исследования показывают, высокую распространенность и интенсивность основных стоматологических заболеваний[6]. Реализация программ профилактики чаще всего касается больших городов, не доходя до малых городов. Углубленного исследования по изучению факторов риска возникновения и развития основных стоматологических заболеваний среди населения, проживающих в малых городах Западной Сибири не проводились

    The influence of various factors on dental morbidity

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    The given epidemiological research on stomatologic disease has been spent in the city of Lyantor, for the purpose of an estimation and forecasting of interrelations between change of health and influence of various factors in regions with oil and gas extraction industry in the conditions of the district equal to regions of the Far North on example HMAO-Jugra.Данное эпидемиологическое исследование по стоматологической заболеваемости было проведено в городе Лянтор, с целью оценки и прогнозирования взаимосвязей между изменением здоровья и воздействием различных факторов в регионах с нефтегазодобывающей промышленностью в условиях местности, приравненной к районам Крайнего Севера на примере ХМАО-Югра

    Educational axiological potential of music art for the formation of moral value orientations of student youth

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    © 2014, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. The article researches educational axiological potential of the music art by the development of moral value orientations among university students. The results of this research prove the effectiveness of the formation process of moral value orientations of the students from Kazan University using the means of music art provided with the structuring content of the musical education among the fundamental moral, human, cultural values, by taking in account students’ level of spiritual and moral development. This is achieved by the combination of musical education and creative activities in the process of artistic creativity among students


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    The article deals with the concepts of innovation and innovation processes in agriculture, provides f classification of the types of innovations. It suggests ways to enhance innovation activity in the agriculture sector of the Russian Federation

    Vibrational spectra and molecular dynamics of 1,2-di-(p-XC6H4)ethanes (X=Br, NO2)

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    Infrared absorption spectra and internal rotation of 1,2-di-(p-XC6H4)ethanes (X=Br, NO2) have been investigated. The magnitude of the barrier to internal rotation of 1,2-di-(p-bromophenyl)ethane has been estimated. The analysis of IR spectra of 1,2-di-(p-nitrophenyl)ethane in liquid and crystalline states and its solutions has allowed to make conclusion about the presence of the dynamic equilibrium of the trans and gauche conformations. The division of the absorption bands into components and the factor analysis have been used in the interpretation of the IR spectra. The enthalpy and entropy differences of the trans and gauche conformations have been determined and besides these values are discovered to be anomalous large as compared with ones which are usually observed for the conformational equilibria